"Vision On" was the starting block for many very talented people and I am proud to have worked for so long on the series, and especially with Tony Hart, one of the greatest TV talents of them all." - Clive Doig. -

Tony Hart - 1925-2009

For press & media enquiries, please contact Tony´s daughter Carolyn by email: mc.c.ross@btinternet.com


So What is This About?

1) If you would like to say a few words about Tony we have provided a global Tony Hart Remembrance page here

2) The classic Gallery music (there were several) is 'Leftbank 2' by the Lance Gambit Trio and written by Wayne Hill.

3) Morph is a product of Aardman Animations (his friend was called Chas)

4) For comprehensive information about 'Vision On' or music used over the years go to Its Prof Again which also has a forum

5) For information about Wilf Lunn, go here


About Tony Hart:

More about tony hart


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